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Bounds tagged with "Active Citizenship"

by Fritzvds
Ghent, Gent, City, History, Active
by claudia0000
Explore downtown Denver with some friendly competition mixed in. Organize into groups of 5 and assign one person to handle the app. To complete each task, take a picture with everyone in it and upload it to the app. Make sure you are creative with your pictures. Dr. Clay will judge them and choose a winner based on creativity and completion. Good luck and welcome to the "Mile High" city! Remember you are representing BYU and that we are all adults. Please don't do anything dangerous or...
Denver, Mile High, Urban Planning, Active Transit
CC-BY-SA potusnov2020
putting the venture in adventurous
by potusnov2020
Become a better person one step at a time.
compassion, munzee, get active, brain power, local knowledge
Cherry on the Cake
by tiagoknoch
Welcome to “Cherry on the Cake” bound! This bound comes as a support to “Cherry on the Cake - Encouraging active citizenship through Youth exchange” training course, to provide you with a possibility to dive into youth exchanges and active citizenship and to help you start improving your competences in an accessible, interactive and friendly way. It will probably take you a few days to go through it, since it is designed in a way to stimulate your reflection and input on the topics, as well...
Youth Exchanges, Social Change, Active Citizenship, Europe, Youth Work
Digital Citizenship
by lpankoke
Play this digital citizenship game to test and show your knowledge about making good choices online.
digital citizenship
Aplankykime Ginkūnų ir Aleksandrijos apylinkes
by siauliurbiblioteka
Sveiki, Ginkūnai – gyvenvietė Šiaulių rajono savivaldybės teritorijoje, greta šiaurės rytinės Šiaulių miesto ribos, prie kelio į Pakruojį. Kviečiame jus susipažinti su Ginkūnų ir Aleksandrijos vietovėmis bei patirti daug įspūdžių :) Kelionės praturtina žmogaus asmenybę, padeda nuspalvinti gyvenimą, o laikas praleistas kartu keliaujant bei patiriant naujus įspūdžius, yra nepakartojamai brangus. Taigi, norime Jus supažindinti su turiningu laisvalaikiu, kuris leis Jums geriau susipažinti su...
culture, active, writers, history
Youthful Europe
by tiagoknoch
Welcome to Youthful Europe bound! This bound comes as part of the wider attempt to provide youth work practitioners with a possibility to explore different approaches towards Europe through identity, citizenship and participation and to develop competences to address European dimension in young people’s daily life. The bound is just a teaser that can help you approach these complex topics in an accessible, interactive and friendly way. It will probably take you a few days to go through it,...
Europe, Identity, Citizenship, Participation